Saturday, 8 January 2011

tasting words in your mouth

friends and allies in foolishness and gorgeous revellery. i would like this kooky cloudy bloggg to be about anything, everything, nothing at all and random treasures and moments of quarks and kwirks.....
so will just add or post whatever wanders through my reality at any time, and hope that perhpas now and then - there may be something in in for you. i imagine filling up a treasure box, so you and others can come to my tree house and find some treats of goodies, anytime you feel like finding an inspiration.

here is a link to maya angelou reading aloud one of her poems. i love the rhythm and resonance in her voice, the way she tastes the words in her mouth... .

(just about to post this.. if shortcut link not working, try copy and past and google. or type into google: maya angelou on youtube and look for "I rise!)

lets find a moment to speak from the heart today - to someone somewhere, in a moment of real connection. or even speak or read out loud to ourselves, I do sometimes. and feel the energy in the words.....

sometimes I enjoy talking to myself while I wander along a facourite short cut in the park. the grass listens. people pass me by and maybe they wander if I am unhinged.... no, not really. my hinges are just in need of oiling

with soothing words

see you when you next swing by.

here's a few words to chew on. i like the sound of them (what are yours?) perplexity. globule. mesmorisism. doppleganger. bludgeon. parasympathetic. vernacular. haphazard. flibbity -jibbity!!

yours meanderingly, eva day


AnnMaRou said...

today words are not my allies, they are in chaos flying around my head without any order and i have to whizz about and try to catch them like those flies buzzing in circles but oh so lightningly fast and well able to dodge my closing fist...
today i'm in the land of mumbo jumbo, but it's ok, just another place to be in :)))
Emma Reel

Unknown said...

I love that poem, it kicks ass. i love the word Haphazard as well since my last name is Hazard and everyone called my Grandpa "Hap"
Some of my favorite words are haywire, muckraker, moon, luscious and obtuse.

eva in cloud kooky land said...

i do know anna that you are a practitioner of verbal aikodo and I believe your words "dodge my closing fist" to be an esoteric reference to that sacred art. the land of mumbo jumbo is a favourite weekend retreat destination for me. nanakoosa herself may have been there, perhaps arriving wonderfully hap hazardly. her very name is steeped in luscious moon intonations.... obtuse reminds me of oblique and odilisque. soon to be spelt: obleeke. and odilesc. xx werd warpa